
Join our Temple Beth El Community
Perform the mitzvah of attending services and being part of a minyan. Help your Jewish community to say Kaddish, read from one of our three Torahs, and keep our Jewish traditions alive each week.
For more membership information please contact Suzanne Levy at 805-934-0477.
Download the application form below.
Dues and Building Fund Commitment
The temple’s financial year is from June 1st through May 31st.
Family ($880) Rates include minor children.
Single ($620)
Senior couple ($610) Senior is 62+ and retired.
Senior single ($430)
In addition, we ask each household to contribute to our Building Fund. This one time fee is $500.00. It is put into a reserve used to maintain the ongoing needs of our temple building, both inside and out. This can be paid in full, in two payments (over 2 years) or in five payments (over 5 years).